Sunday, June 08, 2008

June Already?!?

Wow! This year is FLYING BY!! As much as I feel like I should be in touch with everyone, since I'm at home all day, nearly every day, it's impossible! I'm at home because I'm still working 30 hours a week. Luckily Maggie is a very good tempered girl who does an amazing job of entertaining herself. She starts out playing in the living room (which is baby-proofed) and when she gets bored with that, she makes her way down to the only room with the door open - mommy's office. I can usually take a break then to nurse her and play for a few minutes while relocating her to the living room again to start the whole cycle over...

Maggie and I are also just finishing up our first swim class! Daddy came with us last week to see how much fun we have, and he took a few pictures. Maggie's favorite part is the 'Popcorn Song.' Sometimes we sing it at home, not even in the water, and she giggles almost as much as at the pool.

Andy's currently wrapping up work on a Ford Contour that he's replacing the transmission on for a co-worker, and then he's planning some oil retention modification thingy for his Subaru (obviously I know very little of what I'm talking about!). He's got a trip planned with work to head out west for some vehicle testing later this month. I figure a trip that includes Vegas and visiting California friends can't be all work, right?

Once he's back home, all three of us will be heading back to California for Jeff and Bonnie's Big Event. Yet another state to cross of Maggie's list - hopefully her practice of being such a good traveler will continue :)

And before we know it, we'll be celebrating Maggie's first birthday!! No concrete plans yet, but we'll keep you in the loop here!

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